Hate your Love Handles? How to get rid of love handles….it’s one of the great questions in life. The muffin top is one of the most stubborn fat collections in the body. Almost everyone dreams of a smaller waist, so how can you get it? There are many different options for reducing the love handles or flanks area. Diet and…
Is Liposuction Safe?
Is liposuction safe? This question often arises among individuals considering body sculpting procedures. While the popularity of liposuction continues to soar, concerns about its safety linger. In this comprehensive guide, we address common misconceptions and shed light on the safety of liposuction. From understanding the different types of liposuction to exploring potential risks and how to minimize them, we’ve got you covered. Discover the truth about liposuction safety and make informed decisions about your cosmetic journey.
What is Tumescent Liposuction?
What is the Difference between Tumescent Liposuction and SmartLipo Triplex Liposuction? People are often confused by the different types of liposuction. Liposuction refers to the removal of specific areas of fat by suctioning, but what is done before or during the suction may be different and therefore make a difference to the final results. Tumescence refers to a type of…
Do I Need a Tummy Tuck?
We see patients of all shapes and sizes at Imagen. Every one of them has their own individual goals and desires when it comes to their body shape. The most common frustration that we are consulted for is abdominal fat. Some patients are already thin and desire a more flat and tight or defined abdomen; but more often, they are…
Risks of General Anesthesia for Cosmetic Surgery
Risks of General Anesthesia for Cosmetic Surgery The ISAPS numbers for 2013 were released last month, with more than 1.6 million liposuction procedures done worldwide. With the rapid rise of cosmetic surgery, both in the US and abroad, there has been a lot of press about the risks associated with cosmetic surgery. No matter how badly you think you “need…